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Shiloh Services, Inc.
is a Service-Disabled,  Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOB) ,  that  specializes in
providing logistics services  to  the  Department  of  Defense  and  other   Government  
agencies.    Incorporated  in  2007,    Shiloh   has  earned  a  reputation  for  delivering
reliable  and   professional   service  in  key  logistics functions.   We  value  long-term, 
mutually   beneficial   relationships    with   our   customers.   We   work  alongside  our
customers to support  missions that  protect our nation.   We honor those that serve by
doing  our best, every day,   to make the lives  of  our  Government   counterparts  and
                                        men   and  women  in  uniform  a little easier.    Our goal,  like
                                            theirs, is a successful MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT.